The Orbitology was launched into the cosmos by the gods and goddesses on
Thorn Prick Peak after they created the universe by throwing the coins of
their realm into orbit around the earth. Thirteen orbits were established
and the paths of these orbits were recorded by scribes who worshiped the
deities on Thorn Prick Peak from their position on the thirteenth floor
of an inaccessible box canyon in earth’s Western Hemisphere. The scribes
chiseled their findings on to stone slabs in a notation resembling cubist
cuneiform, although some scholars preferred to call it chicken scratch.
The coins fell out of their orbits centuries, if not millennia ago, but
their paths were rediscovered after the first satellites were rocketed
into space from the earth. The intention of the gods and goddesses was
to establish a system of reckoning for the earth’s inhabitants, whereby
they might become aware of the Frames of Mind, the Icons, and the four
States of Being – Power, Wealth, Love, and Wisdom – that determine their
daily lives as set by the precise time of day or night when they were
born or reborn, as precise as the crossing of the t and the dotting of
the i in time with the dash and flash of a nanosecond.